Guilding the lily

Today I went to the December meeting of my spinning guild, a lovely group of women from all around northwest Missouri. 

spinning guild 12-9-06 

spinning guild 12-9-06                               The ladies at work on their projects.

Because it is December, we made cool Christmas tree ornaments:  clear glass balls stuffed with dyed roving, and nifty little people made out of either yarn or roving.

glass ball stuffed with roving                                      Saundra’s glass ball nestled in some lovely roving.

yarn person                                                At work on a yarn person ornament.

We had a fiber gift exchange, and Suzie scored this great handwoven rag rug.  (There were other great gifts, as well, but I didn’t get pictures of them.)

rag rug gift

Saundra brought her wheel and a basket full of spinning supplies, which I was sorely tempted to paw through, but I restrained myself.  (Well, sort of.  She graciously allowed me to do a bit of pawing.  I’m always so curious about what other spinners and knitters are working on.)

spinning basket 

We made plans to go to Fiber Retreat 2007 in March, for which I myself have already registered.

All in all, it was a very satisfying day.  I have renewed energy to tackle my spinning and knitting projects.

Oh, and what I’ve learned this week?  I’ve learned that every year I make the same mistake of biting of more than I can chew at Christmas-time.  Of course, since I make the same mistake every year, it could convincingly be argued that I’m not actually learning anything at all. 

Live and don’t learn, that’s my motto!

5 Responses to “Guilding the lily”

  1. MonicaPDX Says:

    Looks like a lot of fun, Sarah, and cool ornaments. Using thrums in those clear ones is supposed to look neat, too. (Hm; I’ve really gotta get to a store…I have thrums galore.) I love the rug Suzie won. Although I jumped when I came to that pic, because Suzie sorta-kinda vaguely resembles my Mom in that shot. I think it’s that wonderful smile. 😉 Brought a lot of good memories, so thanks, you and Suzie.

    Love your motto, too. Heh. Strikes me as good when you find one you can live up to, you know? I think mine is, “She meant to get around to it.” I sure live up to *that*!

  2. Diane Says:

    I found a little way to trick yourself (and others) around Christmas. Don’t actually tell anyone (or write it down) what all you think you have to do for the holidays. That way, when it doesn’t get done, no one knows but yourself!

  3. Ellen Says:

    Diane, that is completely brilliant!

    Sarah, thanks for the Guild report. That looks like a really nice afternoon. Hey, did your package arrive yet, or was the USPS just having me on about the delivery date? If it hasn’t arrived, I hope it will very soon.

  4. Saundra Says:

    Sarah, thanks for the report on our day. It was, as usual lots of fun. In case anyone wonders what kind of creamy white wool roving that was hanging out of my basket, it was Finnsheep. You can get your own at
    They have some luscious fibers and other wonderful goodies for knitting, etc.

  5. Diane Says:

    Ellen–Yes, the lovely yarn arrived. I apologize, I thought I had send you a note to say that it got here safe and sound. It hasn’t gone into stash storage yet, as it’s just too pretty to put away!